Lake Maninjau

Lake Maninjau

This spectacular lake is in a caldera (a large crater) formed by a volcanic eruption more than 50,000 years ago. In 1947 the lake was crystal clear and inspired a Minangkabau style poetic verse attributed to the first president of Indonesia.

Jangan dimakan arai pinang Don't eat Areca berries
kalau tidak dengan sirih hijau. without Betel leaves.
Jangan datang ke Ranah Minang Don't visit the Minangkabau homeland
kalau tidak singgah ke Maninjau. without stopping at Maninjau.


More recently, the warm waters make it a popular place for fish farming in floating net cages. However, excess organic matter from fertilizer run-off and fish feed are poisoning the lake. In recent years there have been increasingly frequent mass deaths of the caged fish, which are then discarded in the lake making the problem worse. How can this beautiful lake be saved? It is hard to see how this cycle can ever be broken. It needs major outside intervention. Fortunately, there are some signs that this may be happening.

Sin also forms a deathly cycle of destruction that cannot be escaped by our own efforts. Minangkabau people and culture are another of God's beautiful but damaged creations. How can these loved people be saved unless they hear and respond to the message of Jesus who alone can break the cycle of death?


  • Ask that the people who live around this lake will find less ecologically destructive ways to make a living.

  • Ask that this spectacular part of creation be cleaned of the pollution and restored to its former glory.

  • Ask also that the people who live around this lake will be given the chance to hear of the saviour who offers cleansing, restoration and the right to participate in the divine glory (II Corinthians 3:18) and also the grace to respond.


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